Monday, April 17, 2006

News: Iran Researched P2 Centrifuges

It would appear that Iran imported magnets for P2 centrifuges but "forgot" to include this information in its "full" October declaration to the IAEA.

P2 centrifuges have steel rotors as opposed to the P1's aluminum rotors and can enrichment uranium twice as fast as normal P1 centrifuges.

I tend to agree with the unnamed US government official that said "The more the IAEA looks, the more they find and the more Iran says 'Oops, we need to amend our declaration'."

Perhaps the NPT needs to be fixed to remove this "ohhh, you mean those 4000 magnets" loophole. Keeping to the faith of the NPT does not include that type of "forgetfulness" in my mind.

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