Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lawmaker Won't Apologize for 'Islamophobic' Letter

IMHO, This lawmaker should be apologize for such a statement. Muslims are not some type of hate filled group that has its sight set for destruction. If a person has to be sworn in on an object, it is my personal view that the object should have a special meaning to the person....If you don't use an object that means something to you...then why even do it.

This congressman would want you to believe that this is the first time..and a growing "problem"...but this isn't the first time and it isn't a problem at all.

The object is suppose to be mean something to the person being sworn in. The object could be a Grande Starbucks Latte and it would be legal, it doesn't matter.

Saying that a Muslim congressman shouldn't be sworn in on the Quarn is like saying that a Christian congressman shouldn't be sworn in on the Bible. No one can force an object to have a special meaning to the I don't understand why people would be at odds with Ellison's decision.

This congressman from VA should stop and think about his actions....and if I was one of the citizens in his district...I would stop and think about who we just elected to govern over us.

Is he showing the level of understanding and acceptance that we expect from a person that we elect into power?

Smells like clear bigotry to me....but that is just my 2 cents.

1 comment:

  1. While it is unfortunate that this elected representative is from my home state (Virgina), I consider him to be everything that epitomizes what is wrong with the religious zealots in this country.

    I consider him to be nothing short of a fascist.

    - ferg
