Monday, February 26, 2007

Bruce Willis Stops Metasploit User, Saves World

Via -

Bruce Willis will face down cyberterrorists in upcoming blockbuster Live Free or Die Hard.

Ex-model turned actress Maggie Q will play an uber-hacker out to bring down the US's transport and banking system with a few mouse clicks in the forthcoming haxploitation opus.

In an entertaining development, the latest installment of the franchise finds Willis's character (John McClane) as a semi-retired, divorced, recovering alcoholic working for Homeland Security. He's aided in his fight by a whizz-kid hacker he has in custody at the time the cyber-attack kicks off.

Without giving away too much of the plot, Willis shoots the bad guys and knocks helicopters out of the sky after after his car gets stuck in traffic.

Well-known cyber-security myth debunker Rob Rosenberger said the movie frightens him, but not for the reasons the film makers are seeking to achieve. "I fear this movie will give 'cyber-terrorism' the hysterical push it's been waiting for," he told El Reg.

"Remember when the 'Good Times virus alert' spawned a year-long tsunami of email mass hysteria? I fear nothing less from this Bruce Willis movie. Imagine Richard Clarke, John Arquilla, and D.K. Matai on a 'This Week With David Nerdly' where they all scream about the coming cybergeddon."


If the US Infrastructure can be pwned by Metasploit, then I think the only people we need to be talking to are the network administrators of said infrastructure.

I do hope that the "hysterical push" doesn't include a myth filled negative public image of the Metasploit project.


  1. Isn't HD Moore in the movie?

  2. Well, as far as I know...just the program is in the movie. As they had to get premission from HD to use the MSF images, if he is in the movie? I wasn't

    But then again, why would he tell me? lol
