Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Computer Science Grad Convicted Of Hacking Into Texas A&M

Via Yahoo! News -

An alumnus of Texas A&M University was convicted of hacking into the school's computer system and stealing 133,000 Net ID's and passwords from students and employees.

Luis Castillo, 23, admitted to breaking into the system and embedding malicious code that gathered and transferred the information to a file where he could easily retrieve it. He was found guilty of recklessly gaining unauthorized access and causing damage to the Texas A&M domain controller.

The man, who graduated with a bachelor's degree in computer science in December 2006, faces a maximum of five years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine. He is set to be sentenced on Dec. 10.

"We appreciate the FBI's commitment to investigating this type of crime," said Dr. Pierce Cantrell, VP and associate provost for information technology at Texas A&M University, in a written statement. "Such action and results should certainly serve as a deterrent to anyone else who might be contemplating such activities."

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