Saturday, September 1, 2007

DEranged Security Exposes Passwords to Governments & Embassies

Via Deranged Security -

Here is a list with working passwords to exactly 100 email-accounts to Embassies and Governments around the world. Yes it’s the real deal and still working when we are posting this. So why in the world would anyone publish this kind of information? Because seriously, I’m not going to call the president of Iran and tell him that I got access to all their embassies. I’m DEranged, not suicidal! He has bombs and stuff…

Experience tells me that even if I would contact everyone on this list most are not going to listen or perhaps just blame me for being an evil hacker and that no one else would ever find this out. WTF does it take for people to learn!?

Can’t throw it away, it’s only a matter of time until someone else gets the same information. Or wait, does someone else have this already? For how long have they had it? What are they doing with it?

Selling it would probably make me a fair amount of money but that ain’t my style and I’m sure people have disappeared for less.

After trying every scenario in my head I end up dead, in jail or worse.


I have not verified this claim personally...and have not verified if these accounts are working....I too am not stupid.

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