Wednesday, July 23, 2008

CAU Releases Metasploit Kaminsky DNS Cache Poisoning Exploit

Exploit ID: CAU-EX-2008-0002
Release Date: 2008.07.23
Title: baliwicked_host.rb
Description: Kaminsky DNS Cache Poisoning
Tested: BIND 9.4.1-9.4.2
Attributes: Remote, Poison, Resolver, Metasploit
Exploit URL:
Author/Email: I)ruid
H D Moore


This exploit targets a fairly ubiquitous flaw in DNS implementations which allow the insertion of malicious DNS records into the cache of the target nameserver. This exploit caches a single malicious host entry into the target nameserver. By causing the target nameserver to query for random hostnames at the target domain, the attacker can spoof a response to the target server including an answer for the query, an authority server record, and an additional record for that server, causing target nameserver to insert the additional record into the cache.


Now the interweb can collapse...srsly.

Kudos to HDM and
I)ruid for the quick turnaround.

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