Deloitte has admitted losing a laptop containing thousands of people's pension details, but said the data was encrypted and the machine password-protected, and it had no evidence the data had been misused.
The laptop contained 150,000 railway workers' details as well as details on all UK Vodafone staff with pensions and other unnamed pension funds. The lappy was stolen from a Deloitte staffer's handbag last month. The machine held personal information but not bank details. Deloitte was auditing the pension funds.
A letter sent to Vodafone staff, and seen by The Register, said the details included names, National Insurance numbers, dates of birth, pensionable salary, earnings and contributions.
Pension holders from the rail union got a similar reassuring letter, but Gerry Doherty, general secretary of the Transport Salaried Staff Association, called for an urgent inquiry.
He said: "We are extremely concerned that this personal information affecting well over 100,000 people has gone missing.
"All we have received are bland assurances that everything is going to be all right."
A spokesman for Deloitte said the laptop contained pension fund databases from several clients.
At least it was encrypted....this will seriously reduce the chance of ID fraud in the end.
But who needs thieves when you have employees.....
About 75% of corporate data breaches in the US are down to employee negligence, according to a report which also claims only one per cent of data breaches are caused by hackers on the outside.
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