Friday, January 30, 2009

AQIM & The Plague: Bio-Terrorism Gone Awry?

Via CT Blog -

New information has surfaced in the past few days seeming to confirm that Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb terrorists had died of plague.

I explored the different possibilities behind such an occurrence in an article in the Middle East Times.

You can read it here.


Also see Oliver's original CT Blog on this subject...dated Jan 21st, 2009.

Olivier Guitta is an adjunct fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

Olivier is also a counterterrorism and foreign affairs consultant in Washington D.C. His clients include private companies, financial institutions, law firms and think tanks. Additionally, he is the founder of the counterterrorism and foreign affairs newsletter The Croissant, whose subscribers include government officials, law enforcement agencies, think tanks and private companies.

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