Monday, October 5, 2009

New SMB2 Exploitation Technique - 351 Packets from the Trampoline

Via Metasploit Blog (Guest Blog Piotr Bania) -

About a month ago Laurent GaffiƩ released an advisory in which he described the SMB 2.0 NEGOTIATE PROTOCOL REQUEST Remote BSoD vulnerability. Fortunately for some and unfortunately for others this vulnerability is remotely exploitable. At the time of writing, there are only two exploits available for this flaw, one written by Immunity Inc., which only provides a copy to paying customers, and one written by Stephen Fewer and included in the Metasploit Framework. Unfortunately, Stephen Fewer's exploit seems to be unreliable against physical machines (vs VMs) due to a hardcoded address from the BIOS/HAL memory region (0xFFD00D09) which must be initiated to "POP ESI; RET". In this article I am going to describe a method for exploiting this vulnerability that only requires a stable absolute memory address (filled with NULL bytes).


In this step we will create a trampoline that will transfer the code execution to the shellcode. Stephen's exploit code depended on a static "pop esi; ret" address that made it unreliable on many non-virtual machines. With my technique, we just need to find a stable 4-byte memory region filled with NULL bytes (or any other predictable value) and we will force the SMB code to build a trampoline for us, using just 351 packets.


That is all for now, expect to see an updated Metasploit module in the near future that takes advantage of this technique.

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