Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mozilla: Plugging the CSS History Leak

Via Mozilla Blog -

We’re close to landing some changes in the Firefox development tree that will fix a privacy leak that browsers have been struggling with for some time. We’re really excited about this fix, we hope other browsers will follow suit. It’s a tough problem to fix, though, so I’d like to describe how we ended up with this approach.


Originally specified as a useful feature for the Web, visited link styling has been part of the web for… well, forever. So this is a pretty old problem, and resurfaces every once in a while to generate more paranoid netizens.

The most obvious fix is to disable different styles for visited versus unvisted links, but this would be employed at the expense of utility: while sites can no longer figure out which links you’ve clicked, neither can you. David Baron has implemented a way to help keep users’ data private while minimizing the effect on the web, and we are deploying it to protect our users. We think this represents the best solution to the problem, and we’ll be delighted if other browsers approach this the same way.

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