Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Australian Department of Defence - iOS Hardening Configuration Guide


June 2011

This guide is for users and administrators of iOS 4.3.3 or later devices. These devices
include the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. To use this guide, you should be:

  •  familiar with basic networking concepts;
  • an experienced Mac OS X or Windows administrator: and
  • familiar with the Mac OS X or Windows interface.

Parts of this guide refer to features that require the engagement of the technical resources of
your telephony carrier, firewall vendor, or Mobile Device Management vendor. While every
effort has been made to ensure content involving these third party products is correct at the
time of writing, you should always check with these vendors when planning an

Additionally, mention of third party products is not a specific endorsement of that vendor over
another; they are mentioned as illustrative examples only.

Some instructions in this guide are complex, and could cause serious effects to the device,
your network and your agency’s security posture. These instructions should only be used by
experienced administrators, and should be used in conjunction with thorough testing.

Finally, for further clarification or assistance, IT Security Advisors of Australian government
agencies can consult the Defence Signals Directorate by contacting emailing
assist@dsd.gov.au or the DSD Cyber Hotline on 1300 CYBER1 (1300 292 371).

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