Thursday, October 16, 2008

Google's Android OS Features Kill Switch

Via DailyTech -

Just like the Apple with its iPhone, Google is looking to keep its Android phone programs under tight reins

The news that Apple's iPhone had a kill switch built in that could destroy users apps that they had bought and paid for was at first met with incredulity. When users discovered that the rumors were indeed true, they reacted with shock and anger. Now Google has a similar situation brewing after it was revealed that its G1 phone which features its Android OS has a similar kill switch.

The tidbit was gleaned from the user contract terms of Google's Android Market, which it uses to sell software, similar to Apple's App Store. The terms stated that Google can remotely kill your programs, describing, "Google may discover a product that violates the developer distribution agreement ... in such an instance, Google retains the right to remotely remove those applications from your device at its sole discretion."

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