Saturday, October 11, 2008

NEFA Foundation: Al-Fajr Center Announces Shuttering of Three Top Jihad Web Forums

Via CT Blog -

The NEFA Foundation has obtained and translated an Arabic-language statement from the Al-Fajr Media Center—the official online logistical network responsible for disseminating messages from various Al-Qaida military factions—announcing the sudden closure of three of the top Internet discussion forums currently used by Al-Qaida: Al-Ekhlaas, Al-Firdaws, and Al-Boraq.

According to the Al-Fajr Center, the chat forums were shuttered “for technical reasons” and not—as reported in “the apostate media”—because “the offices of these websites had fallen into the hands of the enemy. Indeed, since when have jihadi websites had permanent offices?” The statement also warned that the three Internet forums will likely remain offline for some time, and that former users should be careful to avoid fraudulent efforts by “untrustworthy sources” to prematurely resurrect them: “If the source of the link is not an official announcement from the [Al-Fajr Media] Center, then it has no credibility."

A translation of the Al-Fajr Media Center statement can be downloaded from the NEFA Foundation website.

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