Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thoughts on the TCP/IP Stack DoS

Via Arbor Networks -

Speculation is rampant after reports of a new TCP stack denial of service attack have been announced. The attack details have yet to be make public - it’s for a talk at this year’s T2 event in Finland - but folks are anxiously looking for details.

We don’t have any.

Probably the most detail I’ve seen publicly shared is this detailed blog post from belsec. So far this sounds like a minor variant on known attack vectors, ie Naptha, or other state holding attacks.

The folks behind Unicorn scan are no slackers and know TCP/IP stack internals better than almost anyone, so I anticipate that it’s really a new attack, or an old attack with a new twist.

I’ll keep waiting until T2 for details.


Check out this Register UK article for more details....

1 comment:

  1. I am with you I am waiting to see what comes out of T2. I have been playing around with unicorn all day but can't nail down the attack.
