Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Top Taliban Leader in Pakistan Dies of Kidney Failure

Via SouthKoreanNews.Net -

According to CNN, the leader of Pakistan's Taliban, Baitullah Mehsud, has died from kidney failure.

Islamabad-based sources, with connections in South Waziristan, confirmed Mehsud had died early on Wednesday morning.

Mehsud led thousands of militants in South Waziristan, the mountainous region of northwest Pakistan that borders Afghanistan.

It is the region where the Taliban and al Qaeda are most active.

The Pakistan government blamed Mehsud for the December 27, 2007, assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

In his first television interview, conducted by Al-Jazeera last year, Mehsud said his ultimate aim was to attack New York and London, England.

In January, Spanish police said they had arrested a cell of Pakistanis in Barcelona.

They said the men had allegedly been dispatched by Mehsud, who was planning suicide operations in Spain and possibly elsewhere in Europe.

Mehsud's death is now expected to spark a power struggle and the appointment of a new Taliban leader in Pakistan.

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