Monday, January 30, 2006

OS X for Intel 10.4.4 Leaked

The news was released on the OSX86 Project today. I am not a Apple user but I believe 10.4.4 is the highest Intel OS X released to developers.

Of course, 10.4.5 was released to developers recently but it was for the PowerPC chip only, I believe. I could be wrong however.

Apple was smart to get the hacking geeks on their side...but it is a paradox box. Hacking geeks that want Apple on intel will get it...TPM or not.


  1. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I was under the impression that 10.4.4 was what shipped with the production Intel Macs. So, I wouldn't call it a leak exactly, unless it's not possible to actually buy one somewhere yet. (I haven't been paying that much attention to availability.)

    The pre-release dev G5-looking Intel Macs are only up to 10.4.3, so says my mac developer here.

  2. Hey Ryan,

    I would believe your mac developer over me on this issue. =)

    I believe the "leak" issue was really focused at this statement.

    "As usual, the recovery disc is being seeded via torrent on a major bit torrent site."

    The word "leak" is perhaps a poor choice of wording in this case.

    Thanks for the extra info by the way.
