Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hotpatching MS08-067

Via (skywing) -

If you have been watching the Microsoft security bulletins lately, then you’ve likely noticed yesterday’s bulletin, MS08-067. This is a particularly nasty bug, as it doesn’t require authentication to exploit in the default configuration for Windows Server 2003 and earlier systems (assuming that an attacker can talk over port 139 or port 445 to your box).

The usual mitigation for this particular vulnerability is to block off TCP/139 (NetBIOS) and TCP/445 (Direct hosted SMB), thus cutting off remote access to the srvsvc pipe, a prerequisite for exploiting the vulnerability in question. In my case, however, I had a box that I really didn’t want to reboot immediately. In addition, for the box in question, I did not wish to leave SMB blocked off remotely.

Given that I didn’t want to assume that there’d be no possible way for an untrusted user to be able to establish a TCP/139 or TCP/445, this left me with limited options; either I could simply hope that there wasn’t a chance for the box to get compromised before I had a chance for it to be convenient to reboot, or I could see if I could come up with some form of alternative mitigation on my own. After all, a debugger is the software development equivalent of a swiss army knife and duct-tape; I figured that it would be worth a try seeing if I could cobble together some sort of mitigation by manually patching the vulnerable netapi32.dll. To do this, however, it would be necessary to gain enough information about the flaw in question in order to discern what the fix was, in the hope of creating some form of alternative countermeasure for the vulnerability.


Check the full blog for all the details...very good stuff.

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