Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Peering Inside a Mobile Phone Network

Via Tidbits -

Have you ever wondered why your mobile phone can alert you to new voicemail without having ever rung? Or why a text message can get through when a call can't? Maybe you've traveled across continents and been amazed at how calls still manage to follow you? Or perhaps you've noticed that sometimes your battery only seems to last a fraction of its normal life? And why can the iPhone 3G figure out your location in 3 seconds when it takes takes your car GPS 3 minutes?

Although we normally take the ubiquitous mobile phone for granted; assuming it should work anywhere at any time, there's quite a bit of complex technology involved in sending a call to a device in your pocket. While we've all screamed in frustration over dropped calls and other annoyances, the truth is these are impressive devices, packed with amazing technology, that still hold a few tricks up their sleeves. And after you learn a little more about the inside of the system, maybe, just maybe, you'll be a little less irritated the next time you battle to make a simple call.


Very cool article...check the link above for all the details.

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