Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rsnake Releases Clickjacking Details

Via -

Today is the day we can finally start talking about clickjacking. This is just meant to be a quick post that you can use as a reference sheet. It is not a thorough advisory of every site/vendor/plugin that is vulnerable - there are far too many to count. Jeremiah and I got the final word today that it was fine to start talking about this due to the click jacking PoC against Flash that was released today (watch the video for a good demonstration) that essentially spilled the beans regarding several of the findings that were most concerning. Thankfully, Adobe has been working on this since we let them know, so despite the careless disclosure, much of the work to mitigate this on their end is already complete.

First of all let me start by saying there are multiple variants of clickjacking. Some of it requires cross domain access, some doesn’t. Some overlays entire pages over a page, some uses iframes to get you to click on one spot. Some require JavaScript, some don’t. Some variants use CSRF to pre-load data in forms, some don’t. Clickjacking does not cover any one of these use cases, but rather all of them. That’s why we had to come up with a new term for it - like the term or not. As CSRF didn’t fit the requirements for clickjacking, we had to come up with a new term to avoid confusion. If you like Michael Zalewski’s term “UI redress attack” better use that one, it’s just not CSRF and shouldn’t be mistaken for any other attack, since it really is different.


Check out Rsnake's full blog for the details.

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